Redwood Christian Center Mission Statement

Reach the lost and hurting in our area, with the ultimate goal of making them mature disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. This combines the heart for evangelism, along with the long range goals of discipleship, according to the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. To accomplish this, we will put an emphasis on each individual in the church reaching his or her highest potential, so each will be able to “teach others also.” (II Tim. 2:2). We will endeavor to balance the “spirit and truth” by which Jesus characterized true worshippers (John 4:23), and to fulfill all this through our words and by our lives, so that people will see we are truly the disciples of Jesus (i.e., by our love, John 13:35; I John 3:18, 23). Our passion for the lost and hurting will begin at home, but extend to the “uttermost parts of the world,” as we support others who can reach people we cannot.

Conquer the ungodly forces of the world, the flesh, and the devil, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and in keeping with Jesus’ promise, “as the Father has sent Me, so send I you.” (John 20:21) Create an environment in which, by teaching and practice, the fullness of the power of God can be the normative experience of those in our body of believers, according to the Great Commission of Mark 15:9-20 and Acts 1:8). This includes encouragement of the biblical and appropriate motivational (Rom. 12), ministry (Eph. 4), and manifestation (I Cor. 12) gifts of the Holy Spirit – all functioning in love (I Cor. 13), and unto edification (I Cor. 14). We will encourage in all ways possible and appropriate that we be people with “understanding of the times” (I Chron. 12:32), to give us wisdom on how we might act and communicate to others.

Cooperate with other local churches, ministries, and worthy community organizations to meet the needs of the people of our community. The front-line of this would be Christian works, such as Healing Rooms, Teen Challenge, Pregnancy Resource Center, Love INC, Bethany University, etc.; but this also involves partnering in good works with such agencies as Valley Churches United, Mountain Community Resources, and others. This also includes fellowship and cooperative efforts with other believers through such means as the Evangelical Ministers’ Fellowship, combined Good Friday or other holiday services, ShareFest, and other means the Lord might make possible. This certainly includes realizing and appreciating the Lord's placement of our church in the oversight and fellowship of the Assemblies of God, the Northern California & Nevada District, and the Coast Counties Section.

In all things, we acknowledge the pre-eminence of and humble dependence upon prayer as essential in the achievement of anything in the Kingdom of God.

We will foster and demonstrate an acknowledgement that the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are still in effect today. This will manifest in true love for Israel and the Jewish people and the desire to bless Israel in whatever ways possible.

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