Helpful Bible Chapters

These are just some of the helpful chapters in

the Bible, for topical reference:


Hebrew Scriptures

Chapter           Topic

Gen. 1-2          Creation

Gen. 3             Fall of Man and beginning of redemption

Gen. 12           Promise to Abraham

Ex. 12             Deliverance from Egypt, Passover

Ex. 20             Ten Commandments

Deut. 6            The “Shemah”

Josh. 1            Reassurance

Josh. 14          Faithfulness of God

Psalm 23         Shepherd

Ps. 51           Confession of sin, repentance, forgiveness

Ps. 103            Praise to God

Ps. 119            Word of God

Prov. 8             Wisdom

Prov. 31           Virtuous woman

Isaiah 40          Majesty of God

Is. 53, 61         Messiah’s mission

Zech. 12          Israel’s future


New Testament

Chapter           Topic

Matt. 5            Beatitudes

Matt. 6            Lord’s Prayer

Matt. 13          Parable of Soils

Matt. 27          Trial & Crucifixion

Matt. 28          Resurrection and Great Commission

John 10           Great Shepherd

John 14-16       Promise of the Holy Spirit (Upper Room)

John 15           Vine and branches

Acts 1  Ascension of Jesus

Acts 2  Sending Holy Spirit

Romans 5        Justification

Rom. 6            Sanctification

Rom. 7            Struggle with the flesh

Rom. 8            No condemnation

Rom. 12          Motivational gifts

I Cor. 7            Marriage

I Cor. 12          Manifestation gifts

I Cor. 13          Love (attributes)

I Cor. 14          Guidelines for gifts

I Cor. 15          Resurrection

Gal. 5              Fruit of the Spirit

Eph. 4             Ministry gifts

Eph. 5             Husbands and wives

Eph. 6             Armour of God

Phil. 2             Kenosis (emptying) of Jesus

Phil. 4             Peace of God, the God of Peace

I Thess. 4        Homegoing of the Bride of Christ

Heb. 11           Faith (trust)

Heb. 12           Perseverance (endurance, discipline)

James 3          Use of tongue

I John 4           Love (of God)

Rev. 1-3          Letters to churches